Auth0 and React + Redux

Recently, I have been experimenting with Auth0 inside a side project I have been working on. Its quite interesting and, for the most part, easy to use. However, I have found the Quick Starts for ReactJS lacking, especially with respect to React implementations that utilize Redux. So I thought I would take a crack at it.

Setting up the Application

Head over to and create your free account and setup your application. I will spare  rehashing this as the Auth0 tutorials did this far better justice than I would. The important thing is to come away with the following bits of information:

  • domain
  • audience
  • clientID
  • redirectUri
  • scope
  • responseType

Simply choose to Create an Application once logged into Auth0 and you can pick the Quickstart of your choice. For readers here, its probably going to be ReactJS + Redux.


I am going to assume you have created your Auth0 application and have already configured the various bits of Redux into your ReactJs application (or at least expect that you know how to).

Ill also assume you are going to use routing in some degree within your ReactJS app, that plays a vital role in ensuring the authentication is done properly.

Let’s get started

If you read through the Auth0 getting started guide you will find it tells you to to create a file which holds the bits of information above, do that but instead using it as a modular function.  Here is my code:


The instance variable webauth is an instantiation of auth0.WebAuth which will take our data and allow us to interact with the Auth0 APIs.  You notice that I only ever create the client once, this is intentional. The one lesson I learned while doing this was to ensure you dont create things too much as it tends to screw with Redux.

By taking this approach I found it much easier to reference the Auth client.


You need to initiate the login process, by calling login on our Auth client. This will initiate the authentication process with Auth0.  The important thing to understand is what happens at the end of that process.

One of the values we collected and added to our WebAuth client was a callback. This callback is where the browser will go once authentication is complete. Within this route you need to be able to parse the result (using our processResult method).  This gets tricky with Redux due to state changes. You will find the process succeeding and then failing often putting your app into a weird state.

To mitigate this, you want to look at your Routing.   Here is an example my routing:


You can see that we want to intentionally not render the /callback route if the user is logged in. The flow here is interesting. Let’s explain.

Let’s assume you click a button to start the login process. Your application, when complete, will redirect to your callback URL, /callback in our case. Here is what this page looks like for me:


As soon as the component mounts we grab our authClient and call processResult. If it works, we initiate our saveLogin action. In my case, this will end up sending the login result into a Redux Saga which saves it into Local Storage. I then use the push method off Connected Router to go to my authenticated landing page.

However, doing this will cause parts of the application to check for changes. This action, I found, causes a second call to the Auth0 API which fails. This can make it seem like the login is failing when in fact it is working. The answer here is to eliminate the chance that callback remounts; for this reason I used isLoggedIn in my routing to remove that routing rule if the user is authenticated.


The important thing to remember with Redux is to limit the number of potential refresh vectors that can cause code to execute again. In this case, we can use selective routing features to ensure that certain Route rules are only published when they are appropriate.

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